Once you have signed up to your account through the online sign-up form or via the invitation sent by the Registry Direct Customer Support team, you can then review and make changes to your register before you activate it.

If the Registry Direct Customer Support team has imported your existing register into our system then you will be able to review your existing data, including investors and their transaction histories.

Alternatively, if you are entering your register’s data yourself you can create your first security. If you have existing investors, you can then add investors, transactions and investor tax details in order to prepare your register for activation.

Once logged in you will see an orange bar on top of the page that indicates the register has not yet been activated and is still in preview mode. While in preview mode, no communications will be sent to your investors.

In preview mode you can:

Once you activate your register, an invitation to join the Registry Direct platform will be generated for each email address provided for a holding, ready for you to approve and send. You can add/remove/edit an email address for any holding before you activate the register. To learn more about giving investors access to their holdings, see Manage primary user access.


When you activate your register, you are doing this on a per company/trust basis. If you are managing multiple companies or  trusts you will need to activate the register for each company separately.

To activate your register:

  1. Click on the Go to register activation button.
  2. Once in the Activate register page you can preview the invitation message that will be generated for investors  by clicking on View investor invitation email preview.
  3. When you are ready to activate your register, click on Yes, make live.
  4. Send invitations to your investors to sign up to the Registry Direct platform by approving and sending them from the communication centre.

 Additional Information:

  • Clicking the Yes, make live button will:
    • Generate an email invitation to sign up, to your investors that have an email address saved in their investor user access.
    • Generate a printable PDF invitation to sign up letter, for your investors which do not have a contact email address saved in their investor user access.
    • The above communications will also include a share certificate for the investor (if the security is set up to be certificated and new share certificates are being generated, please see more information here).

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