There are two ways to create a new security:
- From the Dashboard, go to the Capitalisation Table, click the Cap Table Link and click the Create Security link or
- From the menu, go to Capitalisation and click Create securities.
Both options will lead you to the Create security page.
From this page:
- Enter a Security name (e.g. “Ordinary Shares”) and select a Category from the dropdown.
- Choose in which position you wish to display the security under the CAP (from top to bottom) table by assigning a number from Cap table display order dropdown.
- Advanced precision options: Clicking on this link reveals options for setting decimal place precision and rounding preferences.
- Unit precision is an option we provide for unit trust when they offer partial units e.g. for 1.2365 units you would select 4. For whole shares / units leave this selection as 0.
- Price precision is related to how many decimals you would like to use when calculating applications, redemptions, off market transactions etc. e.g. for an application if the application price is $1.0205 per share / unit you would select 4 here. This is defaulted to 2 e.g. if the application price is $1.02 per share / unit.
- Calculation precision refers to the settings used for transaction calculation of amounts
- Display precision refers to the precision used to display values on PDF statements.
- When using the transaction forms two out of three values (price, quantity and total value) are entered and the third is calculated. Rounding for the third value (Price, Quantity, Total value) can be specified using the drop downs in this section.
- If required, open the advanced precision options and select individual choices for application and redemption rounding. These choices effect how units and currency are rounded for applications and redemptions.
- If the security will be partly paid, select Partly paid to allow unpaid amounts to be entered for transactions.
- Enter the ASX code for the security if applicable and optionally check the option to use an automated price feed. If selected prices will be added to the security price page automatically each day. See below for adding historical price data. Prices can also be entered individually. Automated feed prices can also be overwritten but deleting a feed price and entering a custom price from the security detail page. Click on the security name from the capitalisation table which is found in the capitalisation menu.
- If you wish for the security to be certificated, tick Certificates will be issued for this security. Share certificates will then be generated for the investors in that security. You can also customise the share certificate number and terms of security as you would like them to appear (see Step 3 of Editing share certificate details).
- After you have saved the security, you may edit security to Upload historical price data.
- To populate the historical price chart on the security details page:
- Create a CSV file of the historical share price for your security. To ensure the format of your CSV file is correct, download the template CSV file (located in the Edit security page) and overwrite the data in that file with the actual data for your security and save in your local drive to be uploaded in the following steps.
- On the Edit security page, under Upload historical price data, click Upload CSV.
- Browse to the CSV file on your computer and select it.
- Click Save.
- The new security will appear in the capitalisation table
- You can then add investors.
To Edit security after you have created it:
- From the menu, go to Capitalisation and click Capitalisation Table.
- On the Securities page, click the security name ie: Ordinary Units.
- On the security details page, click edit security.
- Make your changes, then click Save.
Additional Information:
- Once you have uploaded historical price data for your security, this data is displayed on a chart on the security details page. This price data is used to determine a value for your investors’ holdings at a given point in time. Investors will see these values in the Investor centre when they view their holdings.
- If you have not uploaded any price data for security/securities then your investors will see a “-” instead of a dollar value when they view their holdings for that security.