To edit an investor’s details, find the investor either from the search feature, cap table or investor list, and click on their name to access the Investor details page.

To edit an investor’s details:

  1. Click on the Investor details tab.
  2. Click edit.
  3. Update the investor’s details.
  4. You can choose to send or not send a communication with any update you make by using the Send communication with this update? Yes/No radio buttons.
  5. Click Save.

Note: It is not possible to update any of these registration details if the holding is a CHESS sponsored holding as CHESS sponsored holdings must be updated by the broker who manages the holding.

Associates can be added to an investor’s details, e.g. Joint investors, Directors of Companies, Beneficial owners.

To add an associate:

  1. Click on the Investor details tab.
  2. Click Add associate.
  3. Select the Associate type and enter the details of the associate.
  4. You can choose to send or not send a communication with any update you make by using the Send communication with this update? Yes/No radio buttons.
  5. Click Save.

To edit an associate’s details:

  1. Click on the Investor details tab.
  2. Click on the associate you wish to edit.
  3. Click edit.
  4. You can choose to send or not send a communication with any update you make by using the Send communication with this update? Yes/No radio buttons.
  5. Click Save.

External ID

An external ID number can be added to an investor to keep a record of the ID number the investor may have from a different software provider. 

To edit an investor's external ID:

  1. Click on the Investor details tab.
  2. Scroll down to External ID.
  3. Click edit.
  4. Update the External ID.
  5. Click Save.

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