The Investors (Basic) spreadsheet includes the minimum required information for each investor, and is recommended for most users. See below for explanations and examples of the information required in the import file.
An examples tab is available in the spreadsheet to use as a guide for completing your Investors tab with your own data.
Column name |
Required |
Description |
Example value(s) 1 |
Example value(s) 2 |
External ID |
No |
If converting data from another platform, the investor ID no. from that platform or any other form of ID of the investor. |
I00000000123 |
AAA-111 |
Tags |
No |
Add up to 5 user-defined tags to an investor, separated by a semicolon.
Investor type* |
Yes |
The type of holding, for tax purposes. Choose a value from the dropdown list. Possible values are:
Individual |
Company |
Company name or Corporate Trustee name (if Company or Trust w/ Corporate Trustee) |
If the Investor type is either Company or Trust/Superfund with Company Trustee |
The registered company name |
The Superannuation Company |
ACN/NZBN/NZCN/Other tax number (Of the Company or Corporate Trustee) |
No |
The tax number issued in the company’s country of registration |
53004085616 |
Trust name/designation (if trust) |
Yes, for Investor type if Trust |
Full name of the trust |
The A Superannuation Fund |
Trust type (if trust) |
Yes, if the Investor type if Trust |
Choose a value from the dropdown list. Possible values are:
Superannuation Fund |
Family Trust |
ABN/NZBN/Other tax number (Of the trust) |
No |
The tax number issued in the Trust’s country of registration |
50110219460 |
Title [Joint holder 1 or Individual Trustee for Trust] |
No |
Title of the joint holder or individual trustee. Choose a value from the dropdown list. |
MS |
DR |
First name [Joint holder 1 or Individual Trustee for Trust] |
Yes, for Investor types 'Individual' or 'Trust/Superfund with Individual Trustee' |
Legal first name of the joint holder or individual trustee. |
Jill |
Anthony |
Middle names [Joint holder 1 or Individual Trustee for Trust] |
No |
Middle name/s of the joint holder or individual trustee. |
Alice Rose |
James |
Last name [Joint holder 1 or Individual Trustee for Trust] |
Yes, for Investor types 'Individual' or 'Trust/Superfund with Individual Trustee' |
Legal last name of the joint holder or individual trustee. |
Peterson |
Nguyen |
[Joint holder or Individual Trustee 2]Refer to Joint holder or Individual Trustee 1 above for an explanation of these fields. Entering data for Joint holder/Individual Trustee 2 is not required. |
[Joint holder or Individual Trustee 3]Refer to Joint holder or Individual Trustee 1 above for an explanation of these fields. Entering data for Joint holder/Individual Trustee 3 is not required. |
Beneficially held* |
Yes |
Whether the holding is beneficially held or not. Choose a value from the dropdown list. Possible values are:
Yes |
No |
Address line 1* |
Yes |
The number and street name for the address of the holding. |
Suite 2 Anderson Centre |
Level 6 2 Russell St |
Address line 2 |
No |
The number and street name for the address of the holding, if more space is required. |
26 Lonsdale St |
Suburb/city* |
Yes |
The suburb or city for the address of the holding. |
Melbourne |
Downtown Montreal East Quebec Province |
State |
Yes |
The state for the address of the investor. If an Australian address, enter the 3 letter acronym of the state. Possible values are:
If an international address, any format is valid. |
New Jersey |
Postcode |
Yes, for Australian address No, for International address |
The postcode for the address of the holding.
3000 |
A0A 0A0 |
Country* |
Yes |
The country for the address of the holding. Choose a value from the dropdown list. |
Australia |
Canada |
Post has been returned to sender |
No |
Whether for the holding address being imported, postal mail is known to have been returned to sender. Choose a value from the dropdown list. Possible values are:
No |
Yes |
Contact details [group of columns] |
Contact first name |
No |
First name of the contact person for the holding. |
Jane |
Martin |
Contact last name |
No |
Last name of the contact person for the holding. |
Hernandez |
Jones |
Email address |
No |
The email address for the contact person. Any email communications for the holding will be sent to this email address. If you choose to grant online access for the holding, then the invitation to sign up for online access will be sent to this email address. | | |
Email address (Read only access) |
No |
The email address for a user which you wish to grant read only access to, for this holding. Typically this is the email address of an advisor which you wish to grant read only access to. | | |
Mobile number |
No |
The mobile phone number for the contact person for this holding. For international numbers please enter "+" then "international country code" then "phone number" |
0414 888 777 |
+447911123456 |
Other phone number |
No |
An alternative phone number for the contact person for this holding. |
03 8877 6644 |
Communication preference (Annual reports) Communication preference (Issuer information) Communication preference (Statements) Communication preference (Notice of meetings and proxy) |
No |
Specifies how communications should be sent to the holding. Choose a value from the dropdown. Possible values are:
If this column is left the preference will default to Email. |
Do not send |
Bank and DRP details [group of columns] |
BSB number |
No |
The BSB number for the (Australian) bank account for this holding. Will be used for paying dividends and/or distributions. Must be a 6 digit number with a dash separating the first three numbers from the last three. |
132-456 |
123-987 |
Bank account number |
No |
The bank account number for the (Australian) bank account for this holding. Will be used for paying dividends and/or distributions. Must be a number between 4 and 10 digits long. |
67826306 |
12345678 |
Bank account name |
No |
The bank account name for the (Australian) bank account for this holding. Will be used for paying dividends and/or distributions. |
Jane Hernandez |
The A Superannuation Fund |
DRP Participation |
The type, if any, of DRP (Dividend/Distribution Reinvestment Plan) participation desired for the holding. Choose a value from the dropdown. Possible values are:
Full participation |
Partial participation |
Number of units invested in DRP (if applicable) |
No |
If Partial participation was selected in the previous column then this should be the absolute number of shares/units to be reinvested. If Full participation or No participation was selected in the previous column then this can be left blank as it is not applicable. |
15 |
Create holdings [group of columns] |
Create holding under: <Security name> |
Yes |
A column for each security under the issuer will be displayed here. Possible values are:
If you select Yes, a nil holding for the security will be created for the investor. You must select Yes for at least one security. |
Yes |
No |