By setting up your issuer profile you can customise the company letterhead and contact details which appear on all outgoing email and PDF communications sent to investors. Additionally, you can customise the logos and URL for the login page your investors (users) see, the currency code, and the bank details that appear in any ABA files generated for payments. You can also choose to enable investor verification.
There are five parts to setting up your issuer profile:
- Issuer Details
- Contact details for investors
- Account contact details
- Issuer logo
- Registrar details
- User login page
- Bank details
- Investor verification
Issuer details
To setup your company profile:
- If you are managing multiple companies first ensure you are managing the company whose profile you want to setup.
- From the menu, go to Issuer and click on Profile.
- To complete the Issuer details section of the profile enter the following:
- Name of your company.
- Select an Investment body entity type
- Select an Investment body entity subtype
- A valid company ABN or ACN. You must at least specify a valid value for one or the other of these.
- An ARSN(optional)
- ASIC Corporate Key (optional)
- The Currency code to be displayed to users. Whatever currency code you set here will be displayed to investors throughout the entire issuer and investor experience, both in the user interface as well as on any holding statements and other PDF documents produced for investors.
- Issuers with an Investment body entity type of Trust can optionally add a Global Intermediary Identification Number (giin) number.
Contact details for investors
- To complete this section add the following:
- An Email address for any company related enquiries to go to.
- The company’s Phone number.
- The company’s Fax (optional)number.
- The company’s Website url (optional).
- Primary contact (full name) for your company.
- The company’s Address, Suburb, Postcode, State and Country.
Account contact details
- To complete this section add contact details in case Registry Direct needs to contact someone:
- Primary contact (full name) for your company.
- The Company name
- The company’s Phone number.
- An Email address for any company related enquiries to go to.
- The company’s Address, Suburb, Postcode, State and Country.
- Names of the company directors
- The address of your place of business (if different to the above address)
Issuer logo
- Upload your company’s logo as your Issuer logo. The logo you upload here will on all outgoing email and PDF communications sent to investors. To add a logo:
- Click on Add/Replace file.
- Find and select the company logo from your computer and accept. Please make sure the image is at least 48px in height. Accepted file types are .JPEG and .PNG.
- To view a preview of how the logo will appear on documents provided to investors, in the Logo preview section click on the Share certificate link or Holding/periodic statement link to download a sample of each documents containing the issuer logo provided.
- You can also upload a square icon that will be used when the user saves the application on their mobile device home screen. To add an icon:
- Click on Add/Replace file.
- Find and select the company icon from your computer and accept. Please make sure the image is a .PNG and at least 180x180px.
Registrar details
You can select one of the following options:
- If you are administering your own company, select Self-administered registry.
- If your company has a third party registrar (or you yourself are actually representing the designated third party registrar which the company has appointed), select Third party and enter the Registrar details:
- Name of the registrar company.
- Primary contact (full name) for the registrar.
- An Email address for any company related enquiries to go to.
- A valid company ABN or ACN for the registrar. You must at least specify a valid value for one or the other of these.
- An ARSN (optional).
- The company’s Website url (optional).
- The company’s Phone number.
- The company’s Fax (optional) number.
- The registrar’s Address, Suburb, Postcode, State and Country.
- Upload your registrar’s logo as your Registrar logo. The logo you upload here will on all outgoing email and PDF communications sent to investors>. To add a logo:
- Click on Add/Replace file.
- Find and select the registrar logo from your computer and accept. Please make sure the image is at least 48px in height. Accepted file types are .JPEG and .PNG.
User Login Page
If you are using a third party registrar (option 2 above), you can direct investors to login through your own branded login page which displays both the company logo and the registrar logo, on a tailored URL.
To set up a this tailored login page URL:
- In the first blank field enter the name of the registrar (or similar) with no spaces and only using letters, numbers or dashes.
- In the second blank field enter the name of the issuer (or similar) with no spaces and only using letters, numbers or dashes.
- Click on Copy URL to copy the URL to your clipboard.
- You can now share the URL with your investors linking to it from your website or via whatever means you wish.
Bank Details
If you are generating ABA files to pay dividends to investors, you need to specify the bank account from which the funds will be transferred as these details are needed in the ABA files which are generated and used to process dividend payments. To learn more about paying dividends go to dividend payments.
To add your bank details:
- Enter the Account name for your bank account.
- Enter the BSB for your bank account.
- Enter the Account number for your bank account.
- Enter your DE User ID (Direct Entry User ID). This is defined by your financial institution and is sometimes referred to as the APCA number or APCA User ID. It is the value specified in character position 57-62 of the Descriptive Record in the ABA file format specification. If you are unsure of what this value should be for your company, please contact your financial institution.
- If your financial institution requires a "self-balancing" transaction to be added to the end of the ABA file, select Bank requires that ABA files contain a self-balancing row. If you are unsure if this is required, please contact your financial institution.
Investor options
Enable Investor verification
Enable investor verification to record AML/CTF and other verification details for your investors and their associates. You will be able to upload copies of ID and other documents when creating an investor, or on their investor detail page. You will also be able to verify investors and their associates using GreenID.
Do not allow investors to update bank account details
You can choose to not allow investor to update bank account details in the investor centre.
- If checked, investors will not be allowed to update their bank details in the investor centre.
- If unchecked, you can disallow individual investors to update their bank account details via the option in the Payments Instruction section on the Holdings tab of their Investor Details page.