If you have a small number of investors which you need to add to your register, you can add them in manually. However if you have a more substantial volume of data, you can use the import feature to add investors, transactions and/or tax details to your register in bulk.

The first step is to import your investors. You have two options for investor imports, basic and advanced. See the links below for explanations and examples on filling in the import spreadsheets:

  • Basic investor import. Basic investor data includes the minimum required information for each investor, and is recommended for most users.
  • Advanced investor import. This is the complete set of information for each investor, including details for each associate of an investor, and is recommended for advanced users.

Once you have investors in your register, you can import transactions and tax details for them. See the links below for explanations and examples on filling in the import spreadsheets:

To import data:

  1. In the menu, go to Imports, and click on Import data to go to the Import files list view.
  2. On the Import files list view, click Import data.
  3. On the Data import form in the left-hand panel, select the radio button for the type of data you want to import.
  4. Click the Download button to download a data import file.
  5. Fill out the data import file by opening it with Microsoft Excel and completing the columns for each new investor or transaction you wish to import (see explanations and examples by following the links above for each type of import).
  6. Once you fill out the spreadsheet you can import the details by clicking Upload file in the right-hand panel to browse to the file on your computer, then Import.
  7. You will return to the Import files list view while your file imports in the background.
  8. When your file finishes importing it may fail if you have made an error in the spreadsheet. If this happens, the status will be quoted as failed. You can view the reasons the file failed by clicking on the status (in blue) to go to the Import summary.
  9. If your file is successful, the status will be quoted as pending. You can view the data that has been uploaded by clicking on the status (in blue) to go to the Import summary. Once you have reviewed the details and you are happy that the details were uploaded correctly you can click on the Add <import type> to register button. This will add the data to the register.

Note: Please ensure there are no blank rows in the excel file before importing (blank rows after the last row of data is acceptable).

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