The following security classes are considered by the Registry Direct Platform to be “cash” type securities:
- Accrual. Can be used to accrue cash for investors. This can be done either by creating transactions in the issuer centre or importing transactions or via specially configured payments.
- Loan. Can be used to track cash loans to investors.
- Bond (no units). A non-unitised bond with a fixed price of $1.00.
- Cash (with price). A cash-type security which allows the price to be updated on the security detail page.
Cash type security classes behave slightly differently to other non-cash security classes because their purpose is singularly to keep track of cash rather than to keep track of shares or units.
Specifically, the following is true for the aforementioned cash type securities within the Registry Direct Platform:
- Price per unit/share is not relevant for cash type securities, thus:
- The form to add or import a market price is not visible for cash type securities (with the exception of 'Cash (with price)' securities).
- In the transaction form in the issuer centre does now show a price per security field.
- In the transaction import spreadsheet, the price column should be left empty (it will only allow a price of $1.00 for cash type securities but it is better to simply leave it empty).
- Holding statements show only dollar values (Value On, Value Off and Total Value) for cash type securities, rather than quantities/prices/value of units/shares.
- Holding statements do not show fees and costs information for cash type securities.
- For cash type securities on the holding details page in the issuer, investor and advisor centres, the contact details, bank details and communications preference panels are not visible because they are not relevant/meaningful for cash type securities.