Manage messages which require approval via the outbox

You have the following options with regards to which emails are sent to your investors from Registry Direct: 

  • Send automatically. Emails which are created by you or generated by the system will be sent immediately to investors.
  • Requires approval. Emails which are created by you or generated by the system must be manually approved through the communications centre before they are sent. This gives you a chance to review the emails and confirm their content is correct and you are happy with their contents, before they are sent to your investors.

By default, all categories of email for new issuers are set to Requires approval.

Changing outbound email preferences

To manage the outbound email preferences:

  1. From the menu, go to Communications, and click on Outbound emails.
  2. The types of emails are listed, grouped by category. You can set approval preferences for each category separately by selecting either Send automatically or Requires approval.
  3. You can additionally choose to turn on Silent mode, which will suppress all emails to investors, but still display your messages to them in the Investor Centre.
  4. Click Save.

Sending emails which require approval

If an email has been generated which requires approval:

  1. You will see a notification red circle with a number in it, on the tray icon in the top right of the issuer centre, indicating how many messages there are containing messages emails which require approval.
  2. Click on the tray icon to view those messages. You will see 2 tabs, Email and Post.
    1. To approve and send Email message, click on one of the messages to go to the message detail view see the emails which require approval. You can then review the email in the communication centre before approving and sending it.
    2. To send postal communications, see Manage postal communications
  3. The message detail will show a table with a row for each individual message for that send event. Any emails requiring approval will display Requires approval in the Status column. Review the email by clicking on the row's email icon.
  4. To send one or more emails, check the checkbox for the rows you wish to send and from the Message actions menu, click Send emails. Click Yes, send emails to confirm.

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