The Issuer summary dashboard provides you with some useful insights into the current state of the register.
Recent activity ticker
The recent activity ticker displays the most recent 20 activity log entries to give you an insight into what your investors have been doing in the register.
This section provides a breakdown of the company's capitalisation, displaying:
- Market value.
- Note: If your market value is 0 you may need to upload price data
- Number of security classes.
- Total number of securities issued.
- Total paid value.
- Total unpaid value, if applicable.
To see the capitalisation in more detail click on Cap table. For more information on managing your capital structure see the article on capital structure overview.
Investor list
This section provides an overview of your investors with a focus on how complete their details in your register are, including:
- No. of investors
- Investors with email address provided (% and absolute number)
- Registered (aka signed up) investors (% and absolute number)
- Investors with tax details provided (% and absolute number)
- Investors with bank details provided (% and absolute number)
Click on the Investor list link to view a detailed, exportable list of all your investors.
To do
This section provides an overview of items and events in your register which may require action from you, including:
- Communications
- Bounced emails: The number of emails which have bounced and still remain in the Bounced list in the outbox
- Emails pending approval: The number of emails which are in the Requires approval state in the outbox. These emails need to be reviewed and then sent out to investors, by you.
- Letters to be posted: The number of letters which are in the Letter prepared state. If you wish to post these letters to your investors you need to send them in the mail and then mark them as Posted
- Payments
- This shows links to payments which have outstanding monies which have not yet been paid to investors. For each payment the number of payees who have not yet been paid is displayed.
- Offers
- Links to any capital raising offers, which have applications that have not yet been allotted, are shown here. The number of applications that have not yet been alloted, is shown for each offer.
Corporate calendar
This section provides a view of any upcoming events in your corporate schedule. These can be a combination of system generated events such as Meetings or Payments as well as manually created events such as investor presentations or whatever you may choose to create.
To view a list of all the events in your corporate calendar click the View all link. To manually create a new event, click the Add event link.
User logins
This section provides a visualisation of how many investors have logged into the Investor centre as well as how many issuers have logged into the Issuer centre during a specific period of time.
To change the period, click on the date picker and select one of the preset periods or specify a custom range.
Top investor logins
This section provides a list of the five investors who have logged in most times during a specific period of time, displaying:
- Name
- Email address
- Total (number of logins during the specified period)
- Last login date
To change the period, click on the date picker and select one of the presets or specify a custom range.
Clicking on the email link for the investor will take you to either the investor details page if only one investor with this email exists or if there are many, to the Investor Table filtered to only investors with this email address.
Top net buyers and sellers
For issuers which have listed securities, this section displays the top five buyers and/or sellers for a selected security and period of time.
For each buyer or seller you can see:
- The investor’s registered name.
- The net profit/loss on all transactions during the period.
- A graphic representing the quantity of the change in balance over the period.
Clicking on an investor’s name will take you to a list of security transactions for the selected security.