The All investors list allows you to view, search and export all your investors for an issuer. From the menu, go to Investors, then click All Holdings.

  • The Investors tab lists investors with a holding balance greater than zero.
  • The Nil investors tab lists investors with a holding balance of zero.
  • The Pending investors tab shows investors that have been imported but not yet added to the register. This tab will only display if there are pending investors.

The table displays the following columns by default:

  • Investor. Registered name of the holding.
  • HIN/SRN.
  • Security. The security held.
  • Tax status quoted? Yes or no.
  • Tax type.
  • Tax country. 
  • Bank details provided? Yes or no.
  • Email. The user access email address.

Additional columns available through the Columns dropdown are:

  • Account name for the investor’s bank account.
  • BSB for the investor’s bank account.
  • SWIFT or BIC for the investor’s bank account.
  • Account number for the investor’s bank account.
  • Bank country for the investor’s bank account.
  • Registered? Is the investor a registered user?
  • DRP preference. Preference for Dividend Reinvestment Plans.
  • Return to sender. Mail has been returned to sender.
  • Comms preference (Annual reports).
  • Comms preference (Issuer information).
  • Comms preference (Statements).
  • Comms preference (Notice of meeting).
  • Beneficially held. Yes or no.
  • Address. Registered address of the holding.
  • Advisor access. Email and registration status of read-only users.
  • Tax dec submitted. Yes or no.
  • Quantity. Number of securities held.
  • Current price (Bid/exit).
  • Current value. Equals Quantity*Current price (Bid/exit).
  • Security numbers. For numbered securities.
  • Phone number.
  • Contact first name.
  • Contact last name.
  • Primary investor first name.
  • Primary investor last name.
  • External ID.
  • Can edit bank details.
  • Tags.

Displaying, sorting and filtering data

You can hide columns or show additional columns by clicking Columns at the top of the table, and selecting the columns you want to display. Reorder the column position in the table by clicking the Up or Down arrows next to the column name in the dropdown. Click Done to update the table.

Filter the table by clicking Show filter at the top of the table, and typing in the input fields or selecting from the dropdown fields.

Exporting data

Export the investor data as a CSV file by clicking Actions at the top of the table, and selecting either:

  • Export all rows to CSV
  • Export filtered rows to CSV

Moving holdings

To merge a holding or multiple holdings into an existing investor’s account:

  1. From the Investor list, tick the checkbox of the holding you want to move.
  2. From the Actions dropdown at the top of the table, choose Move <x> holding/s to another account.
  3. On the Move holding/s screen, under To, select the investor to which you want to move the holding. Note:
    • The target investor’s holdings must have the same FATCA/CRS requirements as the holding being moved in order to be able to merge them.
    • A holding can't be merged with another of the same security.
  4. Click Move holdings.

Delete nil holdings

To delete a nil holding:

  1. From the Investor list, click the Nil investors tab.
  2. Tick the checkbox of the holding/s you want to delete.
  3. From the Actions dropdown at the top of the table, choose Delete <x> holding/s.

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