Holding/Periodic statements (Trusts)

For securities which are unit trusts (retail funds), issuers can generate and distribute a statement for investors holding one or multiple securities/units during a period or day. The statements contain the transaction history and performance of the investment/s over the selected period or day.

Once generated, you can view a PDF document containing all the statements to be issued. Upon review, if there is missing or incorrect data, the data can be updated and the reports regenerated as often as required. Once you are satisfied, the system allows you to email the statements to all security/unit holders whose email is recorded.  For security/unit holders whose email address is not recorded, the system generates an additional PDF document containing the statements for these holders for posting.

Before generating the reports, ensure the NAV price of the security/unit is up to date. Failure to have the correct prices uploaded will result in erroneous information in the statements. To learn how to upload prices click here Upload security price data.

To generate and distribute Holding/Periodic statements to your investors, from the menu select Reports and click Holding/Periodic statements:


Generate statements for investors

  • Click Generate statements
  • Report type
    • Select Holding/Periodic statement as the report type
  • Date range
    • Select a date range
      • You can also select a single day
  • Include investors
    • Select the security you wish to create the statements for from the Select one or multiple securities drop down or click on the Include all securities check box for Include all securities.
    • Include holdings with a NIL balance at end of period
      • If selected, holdings with a NIL balance at the end of the period (but did hold a balance at some time during the period) will be included
    • Include all investors (for the securities selected above) drop down:
      • Click 'Yes, include all investors' to include all investors
      • Click 'No, I want to exclude some investors from this payment' to exclude some investors
      • Click 'No, I want to manually select who will be included in the payment' to include some investors
  • Statement preferences
    • Display security value on statement
      • If checked, price and value will be displayed in the statement
        • Display payments on statement
          • If checked, payments (e.g Distributions) will be displayed in the transaction table of the statement
          • If unchecked, payments will not be displayed in the transaction table of the statement
        • Display profit/(loss)
          • If checked then a profit/loss section is included in the statement
          • If unchecked then no profit/loss will be displayed in the statement
      • If unchecked, price and value will not be displayed in the statement
    • Display fees and costs on the statement
      • If checked, fees or costs will be displayed in the statement
      • If unchecked, fees or costs will not be displayed in the statement
    • Include any additional terms to add on the statement
      • Any additional terms included here will be displayed at the end of the statement
  • Click Generate report

Send statements to investors

Once the statement report is ready, it will be added to the Generated statements tab in the Statements table

  • Click on the link in the description column
  • In the Statements section different Download files are available
    • Statements for all investors (single collated file)
      • Click Download to review all the statements in a single collated file
    • Statements for all investors (individual files for each investor)
      • Click Download to review all the statements a individual files for each investor
    • Statements for postal investors investors (individual files for each investor)
      • Click Download to download only the statements for postal investors
  • If your Statements notifications outbound email preferences are set to Send automatically then click Email statements to investors
  • If your Statements notifications outbound email preferences are set to Require approval then click View in outbox, to approve and send the emails



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