The Investor comparison report generates a CSV (comma separated value) list of investors showing holdings at an initial date and one or more comparison dates along with the percentage change between these dates.
To generate an investor comparison report:
- In the menu, go to Reports, then click Investor comparison.
- Select one or multiple securities using the dropdown or start typing your security name. Alternatively, you can Include all securities by ticking the checkbox below the securities list dropdown.
- Set an As at date, and one or more Comparison dates, to see the percentage change between the initial date and the comparison date or dates. You can remove any selected comparison dates by clicking the close icon next to the date under Comparison date/s selected.
- Click Generate report to generate the report in CSV format.
For this report, CSV is the only output option. The CSV export contains the following fields:
- Name/Address: The registered name and address of the investor holding the shares.
- Security: Security code for the selected security.
- SRN/HIN: The SRN or HIN for the investor.
- Address State: The registered state of the investor holding the shares.
- Postcode: The registered postcode of the investor holding the shares.
- Tax Type: Company, Individual, Trust, Superannuation Fund etc.
- TFN Quoted: Provided / Not Provided.
- Value Date 1: Date to be analysed.
- Change from value date: Percentage change in holding from date 2 to date 1 (for each comparison date supplied).
- Value Date 2: Date to be compared to (for each comparison date supplied).
The bottom of the report displays total capital for each of these dates.