The Unit movement report displays a list of investors who hold shares in chosen security or set of securities, ranked by investment size at a selected date. This data is displayed alongside their investment at an earlier date, to provide a comparison of their investment over time.
To generate a unit movement report:
- In the menu go to Reports, then click Unit movement.
- Select one or multiple securities using the dropdown or start typing your security name.
Alternatively you can Include all securities by ticking the checkbox below the securities list dropdown. - Select a date range.
- Select formats to be generated from PDF, CSV and XLSX
- Click Generate report.
The report contains the following fields:
- Investor name: The registered name of the investor holding the shares and their SRN.
- Security name(s): This column is added to the report if more than one security is selected. The report will be ordered by Security and then % held of total issued 2.
- From date: The total shares held as at the "To" date.
- % held of total issued 1: The percentage of total shares held at this date.
- Movement up: The number of units/shares that have been added during the period. Any transaction where there is an increase in units would be added to the quantity on amount.
- Movement down: The number of units/shares that have been removed during the period. Any transaction where there is a decrease in units would be added to the quantity off amount.
- Movement net: Movement up - movement down.
- To date: The total shares held as at the second date selected.
- To date: The total shares held as at the second date selected.
- % held of total issued 2: The percentage of total shares held at the "To" date.
The bottom of the report displays totals for each of these fields.
- The Total held (by) row is the sum of the investors you selected in the report configuration.
- The Total issued is the sum of all shares issued.
- These total rows will appear for each selected security.
To export the report go to the All reports table in the Reports menu item, select the report and then use the download links.
The exported report shows additional fields. In the exported report you will see the following fields:
- Security name (if you selected more than one security)
- Investor name
- Investor code
- Investor address
- From date
- % held of total issued
- Movement up
- Movement down
- Movement net
- To date
- % held of total issued
- Total capital of the number of investors selected in the report configuration, for each selected security
- Total issued, for each selected security