The Investor details page gives you access to all of the investor’s information in one place. Find the investor either from the search feature, cap table or investor list, and click on their name to access their Investor details page.
The header of the investor details page displays:
- The Investor name.
- The Investor ID (HIN or SRN)
- A contact details summary. Click Show contact details summary to expand it.
- The Actions menu.
Below the header are the following tabs:
Investor details. Here you may:
- View and edit the details of each associate of the investor, and add or delete associates.
- View and edit the investor’s verification information.
- Change the beneficial ownership status of an investor.
Holdings. For each holding belonging to an investor you can:
- View the Issuer, Security class, Category and Balance.
- Edit the holding preferences.
- Download a Holding statement and Unit certificate.
- Manage Read-only user access.
Tax details. From this tab you can:
- Edit the investors tax details/declaration. A tax declaration can be submitted for multiple tax countries
- Set a country of residence for taxation on payments. An investor may have more than one country of residence for tax purposes, but only one country can be used for taxation on payments. By default this is set to the country of residence for the primary account holder.
- User access. Here you can manage the investor’s Primary user access.
- Communications. Lists all communications for the investor.
- Transactions. View the transaction history of the investor. You can also export, edit and delete the investor’s transactions from here.
- Payments. Lists all payments for the investor, including statements. If an investor has a retained payment or unclaimed monies, an orange indicator will display on this tab heading.
- Charges. Here you can post charges for an individual investor.
- Notes. Add notes and upload documents relating to the investor.
- Activity log. View issuer and investor activity that has occurred for this investor.
Delete an investor
You can delete an investor if they have no holdings with transactions. (To delete a transaction, see Edit/delete transactions). To delete an investor:
- In the Investor details header, click on the Actions dropdown, and select Delete investor.
- Click Yes, delete to confirm. Note that this action cannot be undone.