Our big release for September is the new BGL integration feature. We’ve also made it easier for issuers, investors and advisers to see if they have an outstanding payment.

Along with these new additions we’ve also made a number of improvements and bugfixes.

BGL integration

  • We released our new BGL integration feature which enables you to import your BGL data into Registry Direct and perform automatic reconciliations. See this article for more details on how this integration can help you meet your compliance obligations.


  • We’ve made it easier for issuers to see when an investor has a retained payment or unclaimed monies in the investor details payments table by adding a new payment status column, and adding an indicator to the payments tab when there is an outstanding payment.
  • Fixed a bug where partial DRP payments were shown in the direct credit row of the payment report.

Investor centre

  • We’ve added a new status column to the payments table in the Investor and Adviser centres so investors and advisers can check if their payment is retained or unclaimed. An indicator will appear on the Payments menu item for retained payments.
  • Fixed a bug where the Date uploaded column in the Documents table was always showing today’s date.

Tax statements

  • Added an explanatory note to the tax statement form at Part C table 7.
  • Allowed a negative number at 13U for non-AMIT amounts.
  • Improvements to the way tax is calculated for deemed payments.
  • Improvements to the way WHT refund-type payments are handled.


  • Fixed a bug where the holding name was missing in the activity log for votes submitted.

Offers and applications

  • Fixed a bug where offer application form URLs of offers for deleted issuers were still active.


  • Default sort order for communications in the Outbox is now by Sent date, instead of Created date.


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