To create a new meeting, go to the Meetings menu item and click Meetings.
Click on Create new meeting and follow the steps to complete each section (detailed below).
Meeting Overview
- In the Meeting type dropdown, select from the options:
- Annual General Meeting
- Extraordinary General Meeting
- General Meeting
- Share Scheme Meeting
- Option Scheme Meeting
- Select securities that may vote on resolutions: Only investors who hold one or more of the securities you select here will be eligible to vote in your meeting. The weight of each investor’s available votes is determined by the number of securities they hold on the Record date of the meeting (see steps below).
- What is the meeting about: Add a description of what the meeting is about.
- The information entered here will be displayed in the investor centre under the meeting description.
- Voting type, select from 2 options:
- One vote per investor
- One vote for each share/security
* Tip: It is usually outlined in the entity's constitution what the voting type is
Meeting Attendance
Select from 3 options:
- At a physical location only. Enter the physical address of the meeting.
- Online only. Include an online meeting invitation link and any additional instructions to access the meeting online.
- Hybrid. At a physical location and online. Enter both the physical address and the online link and instructions.
Investor documents
- Notice of meeting documentation that will be sent to investors (Read-only users will not receive a copy of the Notice of meeting email as this contains a unique link that should only be accessed by the investor user). Choose one of the two options for the notice of meeting which will be attached to the email sent to your investors:
- I don’t have a notice of meeting, create one for me. A notice of meeting will be created from the system template. If you select this option you will have the option to attach an explanatory document to the notice of meeting email. Click Attach explanatory document, find and select the PDF file from your computer and accept.
- I want to use my own notice of meeting. Select this option if you prefer to use your own notice of meeting format. Then click Attach notice of meeting, find and select the PDF file from your computer and accept.
- Attach any further supporting documentation to be provided to investors. These documents will also be attached to the notice of meeting email.
- Click on Attach files.
- Find and select the PDF files from your computer and accept (you can attach as many files as needed).
- Generate registration invitations for postal investors. Select this option if you want to include an invitation to register letter as part of the Notice of meeting and proxy form communications for postal investors.
Return details for proxy form
- Investors that do not have a registered email address or have opted to receive postal communications, will receive a proxy form via post with the return details entered in this section of the form. The proxy details will be prefilled with your Registrar contact details.
- Click Next. Note that you won’t be able to move to the next stage without selecting to have a Notice of meeting created or attaching your own.
Date and time
- Timezone: The timezone in which your meeting is held.
- Meeting date & time: Select the date and adjust the time using the clock icon.
- Onsite registration start time: Time at which investors can register onsite for the meeting on the meeting date, this is automatically populated 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time, however, it can be adjusted.
- Record date: For a vote to count, an investor must be a shareholder on this date, the system will automatically populate the date based on the meeting date (traditionally 48hrs prior to the meeting date, however, check your notice of meeting /companies constitution around meetings).
- Online voting cutoff date & time: Voting for resolutions will remain open until a show of hands is requested or a poll is closed on a resolution during the meeting.
- Offline voting cutoff date & time: Date until hard copy proxy forms are accepted.
- Open/Re-open online voting during meeting. Select this option to open online voting during the meeting. You can manually close and re-open each resolution for voting during the meeting.
- Click Next.
Add resolutions
In this step, you can add 1 or more resolutions to be voted on at the meeting. To enter a resolution:
- Enter a Resolution name.
- Select a Resolution type:
- Ordinary: Passed if at least 50% of all eligible cast votes are cast 'For'.
- Extraordinary: Passed if at least 50% of all votes castable are cast 'For'.
- Special: Passed if at least 75% of all eligible cast votes are cast 'For'.
- Non-binding: Voting on this resolution is advisory and does not bind the directors or the company.
- Resolution Description: Description of the resolution.
- Restrict investors from voting:
- Exclude any investors from voting by searching the name, HIN or SRN.
- Select the type of restriction for this investor:
- May not vote
- May not vote for
- May not vote against
- Board member/s with conflict (if any): Add board members with conflict separated by a comma.
- Include a note?: If yes add a Resolution note or disclaimer.
- Board recommendation: Options include For, Against or Not provided.
- Chairman's voting intention: Options include For, Against or Abstain.
- To add another resolution click + Add another resolution. You can add as many resolutions as required.
- If you accidentally click to add a resolution that is not required, you have the option to Delete resolution under the Chairman's voting intention.
- Click Next.
In this step, please review the details of your meeting. If any changes are required, click on the Back button.
- The View notice of meeting preview link will show the email that will be sent to investors once the meeting has been opened.
- The View proxy form link shows a preview of the proxy form that will be attached to the notice of meeting email notification, once the meeting has been opened. A printable, collated PDF will also be generated containing the proxy forms for all investors who do not have an email address stored in their investor details or who have chosen to receive notice of meeting communications via post.
- To open the meeting click Save & open meeting for voting.
- Alternatively, if you are not yet ready to open the meeting you can click Save. This will save the meeting as a draft under Draft Meetings on the Meetings page. You can return to edit it at a later time.
Additional Information:
- Note that the total combined size of the notice of meeting document you attach along with any other documents you include in your meeting’s supporting documentation must be under 10Mb in order for the notice of meeting email message to be successfully sent. The reason for this restriction is that the email delivery service the Registry Direct platform uses limits the total email message size to 10Mb. This aligns with best practice, as emails with attachments larger than 10Mb are generally frowned upon by both end recipients and email providers. The upshot of this restriction is that to safely leave room for the notice of meeting body and PDF proxy form, the total combined size of your notice of meeting attachment and any supporting documents attachments should be limited to 8Mb or less.
- Once your meeting has been opened, you can then manage it through to closure.