Manually enter or adjust proxy form votes

If you have received a completed proxy form in a paper based format, you can enter the details into the system so the investor’s votes are added to the meeting.

Votes which were submitted by investors online can also be manually adjusted by you, after your investors have submitted them.

To manually enter or adjust votes:

  1. Go to the Meetings menu item and click Meetings.
  2. In the Meetings section, click on View details of the open meeting.
  3. In the Votes summary section, click on  View/submit votes to go to the Votes list.
  4. In the list of all investors’ votes, click on the blue links under headings For, Against, Abstain, Proxy’s discretion or Not cast fields to go to an investor’s proxy form page. 
  5. In  the Proxy section, use the Completed proxy form link to attach a copy of the proxy form if you are entering a vote based on a paper-based proxy form you have received.
  6. Use the checkbox to assign the Chairman as the proxy or add a new proxy by providing name, mobile and email address. 

In the Votes section, allocate votes by entering numbers in the For, Against, Abstain and Proxy’s discretion fields. As you enter numbers the Not submitted count will reduce. When all votes have been allocated the Not submitted count should show zero. Click Save. You can re-enter numbers to change the voting allocations. Each time you hit Save, the Vote history will be updated.

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