Turn off payment reminder notifications

When there are unsent statements waiting to be sent or if a new ABA file can be generated for a payment, you will receive a daily reminder notification email. If you do not want to receive these notifications you can turn them off for a specific payment for all issuer admin users, or for all payments just for your user.

To turn these email notifications off for a specific payment for all issuer admin users:

  1. Go to Payments and click on the the payment to go to the payment detail page
  2. Scroll down to the Payment statements section of the page and uncheck the Send email reminder emails to all admin users if there are statements that need to be sent and/or ABA files that can be generated checkbox 

To turn these email notifications off for all payments just for yourself (but not other issuer admin users):

  1. In the top right user menu go to User settings
  2. Change the Payments requiring attention notifications setting from Email to Do not send

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