Sign up to Registry Direct using our online sign-up form and try it out free for 14 days before you go live. Your free trial includes:

  1. A demo company or trust, complete with data, for you to explore and test our platform; and
  2. Your own company or trust, ready for you to begin creating your personalised registry.

There are a range of pricing plans to suit the needs of your business.

Once you have signed-up, our system will guide you through onboarding your registry, or  you can contact us to help you convert your existing data.

For more information on onboarding your register, see the following articles: :

  1. Set up your profile
  2. Invite your team
  3. Create a security class
  4. Import your data (if you have an existing register)
  5. Once your register is imported and you are happy that it looks correct, you are ready to activate your register

Once the above steps are completed your register is active and you can invite investors to sign up to access the Investor Centre.

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