Attach a note to a holding or holdings

Notes and documents can be attached to a holding or holdings.  For example, a registrar may wish to attach information regarding probate following the death of an investor to all their holdings.

To attach a note:

  1. Find the investor either from the search featurecap table or investor list, and click on their name to access their Investor details page.
  2. Click on the Notes tab.
  3. Click + Add new note.
  4. In the Title box, enter a title for the note; ie: Passport copy.
  5. Select the investor's holding that the note is relevant to.
  6. In the Content box, enter a description of the note.
  7. In the Date box, enter the date the note is to apply from.
  8. To attach any documents, click on Add attachment.
  9. Check Publish to investor centre if you want to make this note accessible by the investor in the investor centre.

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