Each investor has an Investor details page where you can view and edit their details. From their Investor details page, you can also view their transaction history, payment history, any communications sent to them, user access and other information related to the investor.

You can search for an investor by using the search box in the menu bar:

  1. Click on the search icon in the menu bar.
  2. You can search by HIN/SRN, investor name or email. Start typing any of these investor details into the search box.
  3. As you type, possible matches appear in the dropdown below the search box. Click on the investor you are searching for to go to their Investor details page.
  4. Or, click the View more results link to see all matches on the search results page. From the search results page, click on the investor to go to their Investor details page.


  • The All investors list allows you to view, search and export all your investors for an issuer.
  • The capitalisation table (CAP table) lists all investors by security, with links to their Investor details page. 


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