Once you have matched a BGL company and a Registry Direct issuer all the company’s security classes, holders and transactions need to be matched to the issuer’s security classes, holders and transactions in order to reconcile the data.

If a company has been imported from BGL, all data between them will already be matched initially. If a company has been matched with an existing issuer, or a security class, holder or transaction has been added or deleted since data was previously matched, you will need to manually match the unmatched data.

Matching and reconciliation actions are performed on the Reconcile company page in the Issuer centre: 

  • In the Issuer centre, select the Issuer from the issuer dropdown, then go to Integrations > BGL in the menu to go to the Reconcile company page; or
  • In the Client centre menu go to Integrations and click on View BGL data. In the BGL data page Companies tab, find the company and click on View/edit in the Reconciliation column. You will be directed to the Issuer centre Integrations > BGL Reconcile company page.

Fetch BGL data

BGL data will be fetched according to the reconciliation preferences in Settings on the Reconcile company page.

If this issuer has just been matched to a BGL company, click Fetch BGL data to do an initial fetch. The data will be loaded into tabs for Security classes, Holders and Transactions (as determined by the reconciliation preferences).

Subsequently, data for Active reconciliations will be automatically fetched from BGL and reconciled on a daily basis. If you wish to refresh the data at any time, click the Refresh button at the top of the Reconcile security classes, Reconcile holders, or Reconcile transactions tabs.

Match security classes

  1. On the Reconcile company page, go to the Reconcile security classes tab. A table for each BGL security class with its associated data is displayed in the left column. 
    • If the BGL security class has been matched to a Registry Direct security class, a corresponding table for the Registry Direct security class will be shown in the right column. Matched security classes have a green border and green link icon between them.
    • Any unmatched Registry Direct security classes are shown in a list under the Unmatched security classes heading.
      Note: Only unmatched security classes and security classes with variances are displayed by default. To see all security classes, uncheck the checkboxes in the filter at the top of the columns.
  1. If a BGL security class is unmatched to a Registry Direct security class, the right column will display a dropdown menu. Select the matching Registry Direct security class from the dropdown.

Note: if you do not wish to reconcile transactions for a specific security class, check Do not reconcile transactions for this security next to the security name in the BGL column.

Match holders

If you have chosen to reconcile holder information and/or transactions:

  1. On the Reconcile company page, match the security classes as above first.
  2. Go to the Reconcile holders tab. A table for each BGL holder with its associated data is displayed in the left column. 
    • If the BGL holder has been matched to a Registry Direct holder, a corresponding table for the Registry Direct holder will be shown in the right column. Matched holders have a green border and green link icon between them.
    • Any unmatched Registry Direct holders are shown in a list under the Unmatched holders heading.
      Note: Only unmatched holders and holders with variances are displayed by default. To see all holders, uncheck the checkboxes in the filter at the top of the columns.
  1. If a BGL holder is unmatched to a Registry Direct holder, the right column will display a dropdown menu. Select the matching Registry Direct holder from the dropdown.

Match transactions

If you have chosen to reconcile transactions:

  1. On the Reconcile company page, match the security classes and holders as above first.
  2. Go to the Reconcile transactions tab. A table for each BGL holder with the balance for each security they hold is displayed in the left column. If the BGL holder has been matched to a Registry Direct holder, a corresponding table for the Registry Direct holder will be shown in the right column.
    Note: Only unmatched holders and holders with variances are displayed by default. To see all holders, uncheck the checkboxes in the filter at the top of the columns.
  3. If you have chosen to reconcile all transactions, transactions for each holder are shown below the holder, grouped by security class. Click Show transactions under a holder to display them. 
  4. A table for each BGL transaction and its associated data is displayed in the left column. 
    • If the BGL transaction has been matched to a Registry Direct transaction, a corresponding table for the Registry Direct transaction will be shown in the right column. Matched transactions have a green border and green link icon between them.
    • Any unmatched Registry Direct transactions are shown in a list under the Unmatched holders heading for each security class.
  5. If a BGL transaction is unmatched to a Registry Direct transaction, the right column will display a dropdown menu. Select the matching Registry Direct transaction from the dropdown.

Grouping transactions

Because of the way BGL handles some transactions, you may need to group BGL transactions together in order to reconcile them to a single Registry Direct transaction. To group a transaction click Move to group in the transaction type row, then from the dropdown select the group you would like to move it to, then click Move.

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