Import or match BGL companies to Registry Direct Issuers

Import a company from BGL into Registry Direct

If a BGL company does not exist in your Registry Direct account, you can import it. The company’s security classes, holders and transactions will be automatically converted into Registry Direct’s format, and the company will be created as a Registry Direct issuer in preview mode, allowing you to review the data before activating the issuer.

With your BGL account connected:

  1. In the Client centre, from the menu, click Integrations.
  2. In the BGL CAS 360 section, click View BGL data.
  3. On the BGL data page, find the company in the Companies list and click the Import button for that company.
  4. The import will be processed in the background. When it has completed, you will receive an email notification that the new issuer has been created. The reconciliation status for the issuer will be changed to Active.
  5. You will be able to access the new issuer through the issuer dropdown menu in the Issuer centre. Or, in the Companies list on the BGL data page, click View/edit for that company.

Match a BGL company with a Registry Direct Issuer

If a BGL company already exists as an issuer in your Registry Direct account, you can match the company and the issuer and reconcile the security classes, holders and transactions between them.

With your BGL account connected:

  1. In the Client centre, from the menu, click Integrations.
  2. In the BGL CAS 360 section, click View BGL data.
  3. Find the company in the Companies list. For that company, in the Match issuer column, select the Registry Direct issuer you wish to reconcile it with.
  4. In the Reconciliation column, click Create. The reconciliation status for the issuer will be changed to Active, and you will be directed to the Reconcile company page in the Issuer centre for that issuer to complete the reconciliation.

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