To receipt payment for an offer:

  1. From the menu, go to Capital raising and then click the sub-menu item Offers & Applications.
  2. Click on the Title of the Offer you wish to manage.
  3. You will see a list of Applications. Each application will have a unique ID, details of when the application was Received, Investor Name and other important information.
  4. Click on the Application ID link to go to the application detail page for that application.
  5. If you require verification regarding AML/CTF you will need to Verify your investors 
  6. Click +Add payment 
  7. Enter Date payment received and Paid amount (it will suggest a full amount). Then, depending upon your outbound email preferences, click Create receipt in outbox or Send receipt.
  8. There will be a confirmation message to confirm the receipt you wish to send and an email will be created in the outbox for your approval if you have your outbound communication preference set to “Require approval”. Otherwise the receipt will be sent immediately. Click Yes, create receipt in outbox. Receipts are also sent to read-only advisors.
  9. Once the full amount has been receipted for an application, the Receipts table total row shows a status of Paid, and the application shows a status of Ready to issue. You can issue securities in the Issue securities table.

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