If you have chosen to manually send payment instructions (this can be defined when you Set up a new offer) or if some investors have submitted online applications but have not yet paid, you can send them a payment instruction.
- From the menu, go to Offers and then click the sub-menu item Offers & Applications.
- Click on the Title of the Offer you wish to manage.
- You will see a list of Applications. Each application will have a unique ID, details of when the application was Received, Investor Name and other important information.
- Click on the name of the investor and click Send invoice under the invoice details. This will send the invoice to the investor using the email address they provided in their application. Invoices are also sent to read only advisors.
You can also re send payment instructions to multiple investors:
- From the menu, go to Offers and then click the sub-menu item Offers & Applications.
- Click on the Title of the Offer you wish to manage.
- You will see a list of Applications. Each application will have a unique ID, details of when the application was Received, Investor Name and other important information.
- Use the check box to select the Investors you wish to send the invoice to or select all of the investors (you can use the filter to only select applications that are Not paid).
- Click Send payment instruction reminder email.
If the offer was updated after an payment instruction was generated and you want to regenerate all the unsent payment instructions then:
- From the menu, go to Offers and then click the sub-menu item Offers & Applications.
- Click on the Title of the Offer you wish to manage.
- You will see a list of Applications with a message asking if you want to regenerate any unsent payment instructions.
- Click Yes, regenerate unsent payment instructions.