This functionality allows authorised representatives of issuers to calculate and post approximate management fee amounts for the holdings of all investors in a specific class of units.

Running this function does not reduce the unit prices of the trust.  The function is merely designed to determine what approximate amounts were effectively deducted from each investor's holding so that these approximate amounts can be reported to the investors of each holding via their Periodic Statements.

Please note that while these amounts are posted to the Charges tab of each holding, the Charges tab is not visible by investors. This allows issuers to review the posted amounts before producing any Periodic Statements.  If there are any errors, issuers can re-run this process over the required period in order to update the amounts.

Step 1 - Set management fee

  1. From the menu, select Fund admin > Fees and charges
  2. In the Fees and charges section, select the security you wish to set the rates for
  3. In the Rates section, review the the rates currently stored
  4. To add a new rate, click on Add new rate.  Note the rate will apply from the date set until the date of commencement of any other rate.  If the management fee rate is zero for any period, set the rate to zero for that period.  Note also, the rate is a percentage so enter 0.5 for 0.5%
  5. To delete a rate, click Delete beside the rate

Step 2 - Calculate and post charges

  1. From the menu, select Fund admin > Fees and charges
  2. In the Fees and charges section, select the security you wish to calculate and post the charges for
  3. Select what period you want to run the charges for
  4. Click Calculate and post charges



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