This menu item allows issuers to generate an Annual Investment Income Report (AIIR) that can be lodged with the Australian Tax Office (ATO). The AIIR file complies with ATO specification v13.0.2.
Note, the Registry Direct platform will not automatically lodge the report with the ATO. This way, issuers can verify and update the information as required before lodging any reports. The reports may be generated as frequently as required. Once the information has been verified, issuers (or their agents) must lodge the reports via the ATO portal themselves.
The report is generated in TXT format which is designed to be able to be lodged directly with the ATO.
In addition to the Registry Direct platform producing the file for the ATO, the platform will generate a report in Excel format that lists the transactions and payments data used to generate the contents of the AIIR report. This Excel file is provided purely for reference purposes and cannot be lodged with the ATO.
To generate the AIIR report:
- From the menu, go to Regulatory reports and click AIIR Report.
- Under What financial year is this report for? select the financial year you wish to generate the AIIR report for.
- Select the Type of investment from the dropdown which is most applicable to your situation. Your choice here will be reflected in the investment account data record in the generated AIIR report. The choices are:
- Interest bearing account with a financial institution
- Term deposit or an FMD
- Investment in a Private Company
- Deposit of money with a solicitor for investment purposes
- UTDs and where a MIT that is a unit trust, but is not an AMIT and is reporting fund payment amounts and tax withheld amounts for non-resident investors for tax purposes under subdivision 12-H of TAA 1953 and as part of a UTD
- Shares in a public company
- Payments from investment related betting chance
- AMITs and custodians or where a MIT that falls outside Section 202D(1) of ITAA 1936 is reporting fund payment amounts and tax withheld amounts for non-residents under subdivision 12-H of TAA 1953
- Select the Report type from the dropdown:
- Choose Replacement if you have already lodged an AIIR report for the selected financial year and are generating a new, replacement report for that same financial year
- Choose Original if you have not yet lodged an AIIR report for the selected financial year
- Enter a unique reference code in the Report reference text box. This is simply an alphanumeric code of your choosing which will be included in the generated AIIR report which you can reference to if required after the report has been lodged with the ATO. This code will also be needed if you need to replace this file once it's lodged with the ATO (see step 6 below).
- Enter the reference code in the Original report reference text box only if you have chosen Replacement as Report type (see step 4 above). This can be left blank if you are completing an original report.
- Click Generate report. A ZIP file containing the AIIR report TXT file for lodgement with the ATO, as well an Excel file which lists the transactions and payments data used to generate the contents of the AIIR report, will be downloaded to your computer.
- Once you have lodged the report with the ATO you can mark it as Lodged with the ATO (for your records) by checking the Lodged with the ATO checkbox from the list of generated AIIR reports.
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