This menu item allows issuers to generate quarterly tax file number (QTFN) reports that can be lodged with the Australian Tax Office (ATO).
Note, the Registry Direct platform will not automatically lodge the reports with the ATO. This way, issuers can verify and update the information as required before lodging any reports. The reports may be generated as frequently as the issuer requires. Once the information has been verified, issuers (or their agents) must lodge the reports via the ATO portal themselves.
Users have the ability to produce the reports in either of two formats: Excel or TXT. Both are designed to be able to be lodged directly with the ATO. Issuers with more than 1,000 investors must use the TXT format in order to lodge the file with the ATO.
In addition to the Registry Direct platform producing the file for the ATO, the platform will generate a report in Excel format that details investors whose information stored on the platform is incomplete or contains errors that prevents their information being reported (e.g. no TFN is recorded for an investor). This is to inform issuers which investors are missing information and empowers them to update the information as required.
QTFN reports can be generated in the issuer centre for investors belonging to the issuer or in the client centre where it is possible to generate a single QTFN report for all (or selected) issuers belonging to the client.
To generate the QTFN reports in the issuer centre:
- From the menu, go to Regulatory reports and click Quarterly TFN Reports.
- Under What time period is this report for? select the financial quarter.
- Select the file format type from File type:.
- By default only TFNs that have been updated during the selected quarter will be included in the report. Change the default radio option to Report all investors to generate a report containing all available investor TFNs. The time period becomes the lodgement period indicator.
- Click Generate report. A ZIP file containing the following will be downloaded to your computer:
- The QTFN report file which can be lodged in the ATO portal
- An excel file with a human readable list of investors which are contained in the ATO lodgeable QTFN report file described in the previous point
- An excel file with a human readable list of any investors that were excluded from the QTFN report due to either not having a TFN or not having a tax country (or having neither)
To generate the QTFN reports in the client centre:
- From the menu, go to Regulatory reports and click Quarterly TFN Reports.
- Select a method for choosing included issuers and choose selected issuers if required. The options are:
- Include all issuers
- Manually select who will be included
- Exclude some issuers
- Under What time period is this report for? select the financial quarter.
- Select the file format type from File type:.
- By default only TFNs that have been updated during the selected quarter will be included in the report. Change the default radio option to Report all investors to generate a report containing all available investor TFNs. The time period becomes the lodgement period indicator.
- Click Generate report. A ZIP file containing the following will be downloaded to your computer:
- The QTFN report file which can be lodged in the ATO portal
- An excel file with a human readable list of investors which are contained in the ATO lodgeable QTFN report file described in the previous point
- An excel file with a human readable list of any investors that were excluded from the QTFN report due to either not having a TFN or not having a tax country (or having neither)
If no TFNs are available to be reported, then the zip file download will not include any lodgeable report. It will still include excel file with a human readable list of any investors that were excluded from the QTFN report due to either not having a TFN or not having a tax country (or having neither). A warning message will be presented on the download page for the report indicating that there was no quotable TFNs to report on.