Now that you have set up the Capital call you are ready to send the Capital call invoices to your investors. 

Once you've sent the invoices to your investors you will be able to manage the capital call for each individual investor.

To send Capital call invoices to your investors:

  • From the Capital call details page, click View and send capital call invoices via Outbox where you will see a list of all communications that correspond to each individual's Capital Call and require approval to be sent. Capital call invoices are also sent to read only advisors.
  • Review the email by clicking on the row's email icon.
    • If the investor does not have an email address on record, a postal communication will be create and a letter icon will be displayed.
  • To approve and send the email messages containing the invoices, check the checkbox for the rows you wish to send and from the Message actions dropdown, click send emails. Click Yes, send emails to confirm.
    • For the investors that do not have an email address on record,  download the PDF and post it.
      • Note, once you have posted the invoice to your investors check the checkbox for the row of the investor and from the Message actions dropdown, click Mark as posted.

To manage each investor's Capital call:

Now that your investor's have received their invoices, you can manage each investor's individual capital call to track their payments and then process the capital call transaction.

If you have received the payment for an invoice you are now ready to send the investor their receipt as well as processing their Capital call transaction.

  • From the Capital call details page, find the investor you want to manage the Capital call for and click Manage Call to go to the investor's capital call detail page.
  • Under the Payment section, click the +Add payment link
  • To send the investor a receipt
    • enter a Date payment received (this is the date you received the payment and this is the date that will be shown in the receipt). You also need to enter the amount received in the Paid column. Then click Create receipt in the outbox.
    • If you have communication settings for Capital calls is set to 'Requires approval' then the button will read Create receipt in outbox and you will need to go to the outbox to approve and send the communication with the receipt to the investor. Receipts are also sent to read only advisors.
    • Note that if you wish to accept payment for the capital call in multiple installments, you can do so by simply repeating the above process for each installment 
  • To process the investor's capital call transaction
    • Click the +Process capital call link
    • Enter the Settlement date (the date of capital call transaction) and enter Paid amount as well as the Amount per security and then click Process capital call
      • Click Yes, Process capital call to confirm.
        • A confirmation message with a holding statement will be sent to the investor informing them that their capital call has been processed.
          • If your outbound communication preference setting for Capital calls is set to 'Require approval' then the message will be available in the outbox for you to approve and send to the investor.
    • Note that if you wish to process the capital call in installments, you can do so by simply repeating the above process for each installment. Doing this will create multiple capital call transactions as well as multiple holding statements for the investor 

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