Import your data - Tax details (FATCA/CRS securities)

Once you have investors in your register, you can import their tax details. For a unit trust security with FATCA/CRS requirements, use the Tax details (FATCA/CRS securities) spreadsheet. See below for explanations and examples of the information required in the import file.


Column name



Example value(s)

Old system identifier


If data has been converted from another platform, this is pre-populated with the investor ID no. from that platform.




This is pre-populated with the SRN for the holding in question.

You do not need to change this value.




This is pre-populated with the holding name and SRN/HIN for the holding in question.

You do not need to change this value.

Jane Hernandez - I01264534903

Holder name


This is pre-populated with the name, if any, that is currently set in the tax details for the holding in question. Joint holdings will have a separate row for each different name on the holding.

You can update this value if you wish.

Jane Hernandez

Holder type


This is pre-populated with the tax type for the holding.

On the Individuals tab, possible values are:

  • Individual
  • Deceased

On the Entities tab, possible values are:

  • Superannuation Fund 
  • Partnership
  • Company
  • Trust
  • Other
  • Government

You do not need to change this value.


Declaration date (DD/MM/YYYY)


This is the date which the FATCA/CRS tax declaration was submitted, if available.


Name of person submitting


The name of the person that submitted the FATCA/CRS tax declaration.

Jane Hernandez

TFN/ABN or exemption code


The TFN (Tax File Number) or ABN (Australian Business Number) or exemption code for the holder.


Individuals [worksheet]

Other country for tax purposes [group of columns]

If you are resident of any other country for tax purposes, select the country below


Only fill this out if the holder is not an Australian resident for tax purposes.

Choose a value from the dropdown list


TIN or equivalent tax identification number


If the holder is not an Australian resident for tax purposes then enter their TIN (Tax Identification Number) or equivalent, for their country of tax residency.


Reason for not providing a TIN


If no TIN or equivalent was provided in the previous question, select a reason for not providing one. Choose a value from the dropdown list.

Possible values are:

  • The country/jurisdiction where the entity is resident does not issue TINs to its residents.
  • The entity is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN or equivalent number (please state why).
  • No TIN is required.

No TIN is required

If second option was selected, provide explanation to not providing a TIN


If you chose the second option for previous question, type in an explanation of why no TIN was provided


Entities [worksheet]

Other country for tax purposes [group of columns]

If you are resident of any other country for tax purposes, select the country below


Only fill this out if the holder is not an Australian resident for tax purposes.

Choose a value from the dropdown list


TIN or equivalent tax identification number


If the holder is not an Australian resident for tax purposes then enter their TIN (Tax Identification Number) or equivalent, for their country of tax residency.


Reason for not providing a TIN


If no TIN or equivalent was provided in the previous question, select a reason for not providing one. Choose a value from the dropdown list.

Possible values are:

  • The country/jurisdiction where the entity is resident does not issue TINs to its residents.
  • The entity is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN or equivalent number (please state why).
  • No TIN is required.

The entity is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN or equivalent number (please state why).

If second option was selected, provide explanation to not providing a TIN


If you chose the second option for previous question, type in an explanation of why no TIN was provided

The tax office has not been answering our emails.

Are you an Australian Retirement Fund? (If yes, do not complete remaining questions)


If the holding is an Australian Retirement Fund or not. Choose a value from the dropdown list.

Possible values are:

  • Yes
  • No

Note: you do not need to fill out any of the subsequent questions if the answer to this question is yes.


Note: the remainder of the questions in the entities sheet are specific to the FATCA/CRS tax declaration form and for the purposes of succinctness, have been omitted from this guide. If you require assistance in interpreting or completing those questions, please contact Registry Direct Support.

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