Convert Investor Type

To convert an Investors type,  find the investor either from the search feature, cap table or investor list, and click on their name to access the Investor details page.

To convert investor type there is an action option  named “Convert Investor Type” that will appear in the drop down after pressing “Actions” at the top right, next to the Investor name and HIN/CRN. This will take you to a convert investor type form. 

  1. Select Yes or No radio button depending on whether you want an email outbox communication sent for approval. 
  2. Select the investor type you wish to swap to from the drop down menu 
  3. Press “Convert” to proceed with the Investor type swap. You will need to confirm this again before it proceeds. 

Wherever possible existing data is transferred to the new investor type. In some cases, this may not be appropriate. After the investor conversion has taken place, investor data can be edited in the investor details page

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